Ladies I've been MIA. Life got a hold of me and tried to chew me up and spit me out but I prevailed.
Even though I've been on hiatus from blogging I've maintained my regimen and have been going through some trials and tribulations with my hair.
2014 was still a pretty good year for my hair as I've more hits than misses. In the last 6 months I've discovered some fabulous deep conditions, Serums and Leave-ins. I'll do a Hiatus Haul soon....
Without further ado here are my 2014 hair Hits and Misses.
Thumbs up:
Hair steaming
Vatika coconut oil Prepoos
Overnight night DC on Dry hair
Alikay Naturals Lemon grass Leave in an
Biolage Hydrasource conditioner
Motions Oil Moisturizer Mild Relaxer
Amla oil and Crisco as my protectors from
Relaxer run off
Senagaleese twist
No heat challenge
Washing hair in small twists
Coffee + ACV Rinses
Alikay naturals Honey and Sage DC (BOMB.COM)
Naturelle Grow coconut and mango DC
Long term protective styling
My first Self trim
Thumbs Down
Twist-outs, Braid outs & bantu knot outs
Keeping NG stretched
Mistakenly cutting MY OWN hair while in Senagaleese
Conquering out of control breakage
Thinning ends due to above breakage
Properly documenting my progress in pics
I bid you beautiful ladies a wonderful and prosperous 2015!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.
My name is Sammy. Welcome to my humble abode. I wanted to start a blog to detail and follow the progress of my hair journey. Journey with me to longer lengths and greater strengths.